Saturday, February 13, 2010

So you think I'm a right winger...

I have news for you. I'm not. I'm a person who supports the ideas freedom and liberty. I oppose tyranny and socialism. I do not support the extraction of wealth via the use of force to pay for programs for others. I have been criticized by some for using state health care in the past. My response to that is this. I paid into that system. I paid A LOT into that system. California has some of the highest taxes in the country. If someone pays into the system, I see no problem if they want to use that system. The problem becomes that people become reliant on that system. My family did not. I was out of work at the time, and decided to cash in on the massive amount of money I had paid in.

My point of view is this. I should be free to choose to not pay into that system. If I don't pay into that system, then I don't get to use it. I should not have money extracted from me with the threat of violence to pay for it.

Liberals tend to label anyone who doesn't think like they do "right wingers" or "neo-cons". I don't take my marching orders from some bloated politician or talk radio host. I don't rely on talking points from the president or articles in newspapers. I look at what politicians actually do and how they do it. I also look at history, and what has happened to societies that have slowly gone down the road of tyranny. I want no part of that.

My question to you is this. If I don't want to pay, what will you do to me?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Health Care is not a right

Some people think it is, but it isn't. A right is something that comes from the individual. The best analogy I heard about rights is this: Imagine you are on a deserted island all by yourself. You have the right to life because you choose to live if you wish. You have the right to freedom of speech. You can say what you want on this deserted island, and nothing can stop you. You have the right to property. You can either build on this island, or just hang out under a tree and hope you survive. In this situation, there is no way for you to have a right to health care. You see, health care is something that is provided. Many people in the health care debate are confusing a "right" with "entitlement". Even then, people are not entitled to health care.

Let's look at this another way. Something is not a right if money is extracted from people via the threat of force in order have that right. Meaning, you do not have a right to health care if I am forced to pay for it.

It's really that simple. The next time some one tells you that health care is a right, you tell them that you would like to agree with them, but you can't get your head that far up your own ass.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

You can't take the nation back

We've all been hearing a lot of the "we need to take our nation back" rhetoric lately. I hear it on tv, radio, podcasts, and music. That's a nice idea, but when I ask people just how they plan on doing this, I get the inevitable reply "we need to vote our guy in!". Really? Isn't that what people have been doing every 4 years since this country started? Isn't that what just happened with Obama, and Bush before him, and Clinton before him?

What people fail to realize is that it doesn't matter who is in charge. Politicians are all the same. They are like professional wrestlers. On screen they really go after each other, but behind the scenes they are buddies that go out for drinks and sex with lobbyists. Getting "your guy" in office does nothing.

When I respond with this, people often ask "well, what would you do?". The answer is simple. Stop cooperating. Stop paying them. It's tax time. Don't file. "But you'll go to jail", is the reply I get. Well, odds are I probably won't, and neither will you. You see, millions of people who should file, don't each year. These are regular, middle class people. The only time you hear of someone getting arrested for tax evasion is when it's a big time celebrity with lots of money. It's not worth it for the feds to come after you and me. They don't have enough jail space to go after all the people that don't file. Oh, and don't give me this "it's your civic duty" nonsense, either. Since when is my civic duty to willingly let people steal money from me?

The thing is, I don't want their "services". I don't want the military killing children. I don't want all these stupid laws (40,000 news ones last year alone). I don't support using force to extract money from people. I just want to be left alone. I'm willing to pay for certain things that I use, like schools and roads, but that's on a local level. The federal government does nothing to benefit me, and that's what they are there to do.

So, as you all receive your W2's this year, why don't you all decide to keep your money instead of handing it over. If you are going to get a return, then by all means file. Get your money back, and then adjust your tax forms at work so no federal tax is taken out and don't file next year. Yes, I'm asking you to take a risk, but it's a much lower risk than some of the people took hundreds of years ago to get out from under the thumb of a king.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dave's First Post

So, this is a blog. I've heard about them. I even had one a while back that I think I posted to just a few times, but lost interest because the only people that read it were me and my mom. There are probably millions of blogs out there. How in the world is someone going to find this one? Well, I hope that, in combination of me pimping this out on facebook, and word of mouth, more than 2 people will read this. I first asked myself why I wanted to start this blog. Well, one reason is that I really wanted to do a podcast, but don't have the ability to do that right now (i don't have the equipment at home that I would need to do a podcast up to the quality that I would want, as I am an audio snob). So, I decided to do a blog instead. It's cheap. I already have a computer, and there is nice blogspot website for cheap bastards like me who won't purchase their own url. The next reason is that my head is full of things I want to share with people, ranging from politics to jokes and random thoughts. Why would you even want to read crap that I write down? Because it's good, that's why. I don't suckle at the teet of government. I am part of no political party. I do not care about race. I do not care about religion. I do not care if a joke will offend you. I do not care what most people think because most people are uptight asshats. There. Right there. That's what I'm talking about. I just said something bad about you.

I'm taking this opportunity to not write about one specific topic, but just to say, "hey there. welcome to the no asshattery zone". See, I just kind of stole a line from Bill O'Reilly, only I replaced "spin" with "asshattery" because O'Reilly is an asshat, and he spins stuff like crazy.