Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dave's First Post

So, this is a blog. I've heard about them. I even had one a while back that I think I posted to just a few times, but lost interest because the only people that read it were me and my mom. There are probably millions of blogs out there. How in the world is someone going to find this one? Well, I hope that, in combination of me pimping this out on facebook, and word of mouth, more than 2 people will read this. I first asked myself why I wanted to start this blog. Well, one reason is that I really wanted to do a podcast, but don't have the ability to do that right now (i don't have the equipment at home that I would need to do a podcast up to the quality that I would want, as I am an audio snob). So, I decided to do a blog instead. It's cheap. I already have a computer, and there is nice blogspot website for cheap bastards like me who won't purchase their own url. The next reason is that my head is full of things I want to share with people, ranging from politics to jokes and random thoughts. Why would you even want to read crap that I write down? Because it's good, that's why. I don't suckle at the teet of government. I am part of no political party. I do not care about race. I do not care about religion. I do not care if a joke will offend you. I do not care what most people think because most people are uptight asshats. There. Right there. That's what I'm talking about. I just said something bad about you.

I'm taking this opportunity to not write about one specific topic, but just to say, "hey there. welcome to the no asshattery zone". See, I just kind of stole a line from Bill O'Reilly, only I replaced "spin" with "asshattery" because O'Reilly is an asshat, and he spins stuff like crazy.

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