Friday, April 9, 2010

The Han Solo Effect

There is a reason why so many people prefer the original Star Wars trilogy to the prequel Star Wars trilogy. This is the Han Solo Effect. I'll explain.

First, we have to show how the prequel trilogy is similar to the original trilogy. Both had movies directed by George Lucas. Both had writing by George Lucas. Both had crappy actors. Luke was a whiny brat, and Anakin was a whiny brat. Like father like son, I guess.

Han....he's the guy that's the voice of the audience. When Obi Wan mentions the force, Han is like "wft?". He's the voice of reason. He's trying to cover his ass. He owes people money, and has bill collectors coming after him. He just wants to get paid.

The ride of his? The Millennium Falcon? That's the equivalent of a beat up 1970's Lincoln Continental that has the really little tires with gold wire rims, but it's still primered and hasn't been painted yet. It's cool enough and fast enough to do the job...and has room to smuggle stash, but it's barely holding on. It always needs something fixed. It needs to be whacked to get going. The Flacon is probably the only relatable vehicle in the star wars universe.

The prequel trilogy lacked the human element. Yes, I know there were humans in them, but there wasn't somebody that the audience felt like was their voice in the movie. Instead, we got an annoying Gungan named Jar Jar Binks. Probably the only good guy in any of the Star Wars movies that the audience wanted to see killed in a violent way.

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