Friday, May 21, 2010

Obama and Calderon like to cuddle

If you heard what Obama had to say to the U.S. when he was pal’ing around with president Calderon from Mexico, and aren’t angry, you must not have a pulse. Before I get to that, I have to laugh at FOX news. When Obama was talking, he used the words “ a legal immigrant”. FOX news obviously doesn’t know how to listen, nor do they have a brain, because they were jumping up and down over this, quoting him as saying “illegal immigrant”. What? Did they hear the same thing I did? I didn’t hear “illegal immigrant”. Trust me. I have good ears for this sort of thing. I spent two years editing dialogue for a living. Plus, do you really think Obama’s speech writers are going to let him even use the words “illegal immigrant”? Come on, FOX news. Grow a brain and a pair of ears, please.

OK. So why should you be mad? Well, there are several reasons.

First, Obama claims that there are no borders anymore. That’s right. He said it. Now, I’m all for allowing people to come here. I’m not a big fan of the huge hassle immigrants have to deal with just to become a legal alien here. It’s a HUGE cost and takes years of time to do. I can’t blame Mexicans for pouring across the border like they do. But there are legal issues here, as well as safety and environmental issues, and it all goes back to the actions of your beloved federal government. Let me explain:

Did you know that it is cheaper for people in Mexico to buy produce from the U.S. than from local farmers? Makes no sense, I know, but there is a reason for this. You see, the U.S. government gives massive subsidies to farmers to grow certain crops. Basically, you and I are paying farmers to do what the government wants. So, this creates a lower cost of farming for the farmers, which in turn, lowers the price of food. Sounds good, right? Well, when you look at the big picture, it costs us. It costs us in tax dollars, and it costs us in other ways. Since American agricultural products are so cheap, people in Mexico started buying their produce from America, and not locally. This put the local Mexican farmers out of work. I’m talking massive unemployment. So, what do they do? They can come here illegally and become day laborers or, they can work for the drug cartels. When they come here to work, they are doing so illegally, which then causes them to usually work under the table, thus resulting in low wages and horrible working conditions. They really can’t go about it the legal route, because they don’t have the money or the time to do it. They need work now. Let’s not forget the lovely welfare system that entices them with free health care, food stamps, and housing assistance. I know I know, people say “well if they are illegal, they can’t get those things”. Trust me, they can. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Also, don’t forget about chain migration.

So, they come here…and yes….they do take jobs away from Americans. Again, I’ve seen it with my own eyes. They are a huge drain on the taxpayers. But it’s not the fault of the illegals. It’s the fault of those in power who make it so difficult to come here in the first place legally, and for freebies they get when they arrive. I would bet a year’s salary that if we got rid of the welfare state, you’d see a massive self deportation on the part of the illegals.

Here’s another reason to be angry with Obama. He said a huge lie right to the face of the American people in his rose garden statement. He said that his entire administration had read the Arizona immigration bill. Really? So that’s why your attorney general secretary of homeland security both admitted that they hadn’t read the bill. Both of them had gone on TV prior to admitting they hadn’t read the bill and claimed that it was unconstitutional and will lead to racial profiling. To me, that’s disgraceful, and they should both be fired. But this administration doesn’t even know what disgrace is.

Next is the best part…..

Not only is Obama and his administration flat out lying about Arizona’s immigration law, they have the president of Mexico up for a visit. It’s not a visit to discuss the real issues at hand, it’s to admonish the American people for not wanting drug smugglers and human smugglers to destroy lives and property. Obama wants to do whatever he can to stop this immigration law in Arizona. He’ll even lie to the American people if he needs to. Not the usual stuff we expect from politicians. This is blatant. It’s really bad. He said that the law can lead to profiling. OK….well that tells me two things. First, Obama has no faith in the Arizona police to enforce this law correctly. Second, by his rationale, ALL laws lead to profiling. Can you tell who has pot in their pocket just by looking at them? So, Obama is insulting us, and then he has the nerve to let president Calderon condemn us. If Mexico was a country that let people just come and go as they please, then maybe I could understand... But it turns out that Mexico has even more strict immigration laws than the U.S. does. Their laws even involve racial profiling. So, here you have the president of a country that is in shambles because of a drug war; a country throws people in jail right away for being there illegally; a country that states that it needs to put a cap of non-mexicans that live there; telling the U.S. that our laws need to allow for migration from his country. Really? Wow. Get that man a wheelbarrow because he’s got some big balls that he needs help wheeling around. That’s like a prostitute telling you not to have sex cause it’s bad.

This also shows us that the main stream media is a bunch of morons also (as if we didn’t know this already). To me, this is a huge story. You’d think that everything I talked about above would be huge news. But it’s not. I guess this is the change they believe in.

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